Saying YES to every
child, bar none.


About Entire

"From the beginning of school, to the beginning of work..."

From nursery age to adulthood, Entire has a clear vision to support every child during their journey through school into adulthood. This is delivered through our affordable and fully inclusive holiday clubs, physical education lessons, wraparound childcare settings, alternative provision and providing exciting workplace opportunities for young adults.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our Values

Our Team

Together, our team collaboratively works to ensure that our non-profit organisation is well-governed, financially sound, and effectively delivering on its mission. We are dedicated to making progress and achieving our goals. Get to know some of our team members below…

Sam Headshot



SEND specialist


SEND specialist and Family liaison


About Entire

Wraparound Care and After School Clubs

Entire was born from a frustration that Matt and Sam shared while working in mainstream childcare provision. The frustration that they were unable to offer activities to ALL children. After mulling everything over they agreed that all families should have the same opportunities. They decided to make sure that they say YES to every child, bar none!

 They then created what they thought was a fully inclusive company called ‘Inclusive Play Leaders’. However, having the word Inclusive in the title creates a barrier and becomes by definition non-inclusive.

And so, Entire was born! 

 Entire started off very small, with 7 children attending. Gradually over the last couple of years Entire has connected with more and more families and schools, enabling them to fully support over 170 families. It is a non-for-profit company, so everything goes back into the company to allow them to grow and support more families.

 Entire believe that Every child has a spark, and Entire just helps them shine!
